All posts by faithrendered

The Gift of Music

We are blessed to sing at many different churches around the San Antonio area. Occassionally, we are able to record some of what we do. We want to share some of those moments with you. Click below to listen in.

Get all our latest uploads here.

Please pray for us as we continue to bring music to those around us.

Love Music? Let’s Talk!

Do you love music? Ready to grow in your music skills?

Let us help you achieve your music goals! We offer guitar, voice, and piano lessons for the young and young at heart. We have been so blessed through music and want to help others on their music journey. Interested in one-on-one sessions online? We can do that too!

From classical to contemporary music, we got you covered.

We have found that the fundamentals of music are crucial and best learned when you have a music teacher or music coach by your side. Steven and I met in college, and both decided to obtain degrees in music. We have traveled many places near and far to sing, but have decided to make San Antonio, Texas our home.

So, let’s talk!

Share with us what your goals in music are and let us help you achieve them! We can also help you with others aspects of music, such as music technology. Steven has helped many ministries and organizations with their music technology needs. Interested in lessons or just need music for your event? Book us today, as our calendar fills up quickly! You can email us directly at or message us on Facebook!

What others have to say about Steven and Jessica!

“We have been completely impressed with your lessons for Ethan! And he is loving music even more!! Thanks for sharing your gifts with the youth in our community! Blessings!” ~Irene, mother of Ethan

“Your music was absolutely touching and warmed our souls!!! Thank you for your beautiful gift of music!” ~Sally

Night Vigil: A Night of Miracles

Have you ever been around a group of people who are striving for the same mission? When this takes place with God involved, miracles happen!

Tune in for Shalom World’s Night Vigil every First Friday. We want to thank Shalom World for inviting us to share our music for this blessed event. Share your prayer intentions with us, so we can join in prayer as one body in Christ!

Night Vigil begins at 8:00PM ET/BST. Experience inner healing and peace of mind as you spend time in adoration and praise and worship.

You can also watch on Facebook Live! or Stay tuned with SHALOM WORLD on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Samsung TV, on your iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, and online at  #ShalomWorldTV #NightVigil

Restore: Advent

Advent. A time of hopeful preparation.

How beautiful it is that the Church gifted us with the liturgical seasons, so that we may get the most out of them. Jesus Christ instituted the Church to be the Mother of the Body of Christ. To guide us ever closer to God and one another.

We have chosen to present an Advent Restore this month to aid people in their journey of preparation for the coming of Our Lord. We come together in praise for all that we have overcome this year and worship Him for the gifts He has given us in faith and love.


Come and experience a blessed evening full of joy, wonder, and hope! As the lights in the church go down, we turn the music up and praise God for all that He has done and continues to do through love and mercy for each one of us.

Restore Praise & Worship Night happens every month at St. Matthew Catholic Church in San Antonio, Texas. Check Upcoming Events on the homepage for other opportunities to hear from us! May God bless you this Advent Season.

About Jessica

Jessica RendonJessica Rendon began to hear God calling her to music ministry when she was 15 years old. After she began singing with her parish choir, the gift of music became very precious to her spirit. She is blessed to serve God in Music Ministry with her husband, Steven.

After attending New Mexico Junior College and Eastern New Mexico University, she graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Music with a minor in History. She has acquired Catechist Level 1 Certification, and teaches CCD at St. Matthew Catholic Church.

Jessica has traveled to perform in New York, Colorado, New Mexico, Vienna, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, and Austria. Her vocal repertoire includes Classical, Sacred, Opera, Operetta, Traditional, Contemporary, Christian, Jazz, and Soul. Jessica has had the opportunity to sing at St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, Carnegie Hall in New York, the Tobin Center in San Antonio, and the AT&T Center for the Spur’s National Anthem with the San Antonio MasterSingers.

Jessica has been involved with Music Ministry for over ten years, and Young Adult Ministry for four years. She has coordinated and assisted with retreats, dinners, fundraisers, service projects, conferences, and network events for young adults. Working with budding musicians has led her to give private lessons to young children and adults who are interested in learning beginning piano and voice. She provides free lessons, if possible, to those who are especially interested in Catholic music ministry.

Catholic evangelization and music ministry spurred Faith Rendered into existence, and Jessica hopes to share the Catholic faith to all those she encounters through music and ministry. Have a question or comment for Jessica? Click her to send her a message.

About Steven

2016-08-22 21.36.24 (2)Steven Rendon’s passion and enthusiasm for music ministry and serving others was enkindled by his devoted Catholic mother at a very young age. However, his formal ministry would not begin until college when he joined a youth choir, and met a strong Catholic influence. She became a second mom and spiritual director for him. Steven realized that ministry is more of a way of life and a path to help others on their faith journey. He is grateful to share this journey with his wife, Jessica.

In college, Steven received honors in academics and music, such as Academic All-American, the United States Congressional Letter of Recognition for his performance in the Broadway musical “Dreamgirls“, and from the New Mexico State Senate. Through Eastern New Mexico University, Steven was able to put his interest in Music Technology into practice through recording and producing various ensemble performances throughout the United States and Europe.

In his early music career, Steven was the saxophone player for an award-winning Funk Band in Lubbock, Texas. After entering college, he began to take voice lessons and focused on developing his tenor voice. He has had the blessing of working with many gifted vocal instructors and opportunities to perform the roles of “Jimmy ‘Thunder’ Early” in  the Broadway musical “Dreamgirls” and “Poo-Bah” in Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta “The Mikado“.

Steven currently works as a Project Manager for OMG home renovation company in San Antonio, Texas. Also working at the parish level, Steven is able to encounter opportunities to serve the community in many different ways. He is grateful to be the Young Adult Ensemble Director for St. Matthew, which is an auditioned group of musicians who provide sacred and contemporary music for Mass, praise and worship nights, retreats, and other Eucharistic centered events. Having over fifteen years of experience as a Liturgical Ensemble Director, he has launched a mission to produce quality music and musicians within the Catholic Church.

Finding joy in all aspects of Pastoral Music Ministry, Steven answers the call to various parish needs from setting up new sound systems to coordinating Holy Hours for the faithful. He is blessed to be a Sacristan, a Eucharistic Minister and has achieved Level 1 Catechist Certification. Steven seeks to expand his music ministry to serve God by reaching more people and helping them develop their talents and establishing a network to encourage others to do the same. Have a question or comment for Steven? Click here to leave him a message.

Join our Music Team

Collaborating with other talented musicians to bring glory to God is one of the greatest joys of what we do.

One of the first ways that we began ministering to Catholic musicians is when we felt called to have a day retreat specifically for musicians. This day retreat consisted of ways to connect with each other in fellowship, give tips on sight reading and other helpful information, spiritual inspiration, and challenges to continue the journey.

This day retreat most importantly included one on one time for voice and instrumental coaching. Just as disciples of Christ, we need to seek spiritual direction; we must also seek guidance as musicians. Most legendary musicians had people that they trusted to share ideas with and receive feedback in regards to music selection and technique.

As musicians, we have experienced the benefits of working with great instrumental and vocal coaches and teachers. We hope to share what we have learned with those that may not have this opportunity. We pray that we can help increase quality music within the Catholic Church that directs people towards uniting their mind and body with Christ. Over the years, we have provided instruments at no cost to dozens of young or old people who express an interest and show their dedication to Catholic music ministry.

Music is inspiring if it is done well and for the right reasons, especially in the Catholic Church. We graciously praise God for calling us to be music ministers and allowing us to help others do the same. We pray for all musicians who seek to serve God and invite you to follow us as we do all that we can to share knowledge and inspiration to Catholic musicians.

Are you a musician who wants to join us and our mission in sharing our talents with others. We invite you to contact us to schedule an audition session. Let us pray for one another as we continue this calling and always strive to be better first as disciples of Christ and then as musicians. May God be with you at all times and we ask Our Lady of Grace to place her mantle of protection around you on your journey.

Can you hear me now?

Technology: a blessing or a curse?!

In everyday life, we cherish our gadgets. Those gadgets are also useful in our ministry. In this category, we will share helpful information on all forms of technology. From use of your cell phone to more complicated topics, such as troubleshooting PA systems and optimizing acoustics.

Proper knowledge and use of available sound equipment can make the difference between a good choir and a great sounding choir. How is the available equipment that you have helping or hurting your ministry? What are some improvements that you wish you could make using technology?

Did you know that proper mic placement is important in more ways than one? Do you know if you have a digital or analog mixing board? Did you know your phone can turn your pages for you as you play?

We will cover these topics and many more! Subscribe to our blog to receive this information in your email, and let us know if you have any specific issues that you would like us to address about music technology.


Directing the Body of Christ

Often times, a director has the most difficult position of the choir. Besides the regular planning and preparation for Sunday liturgy, unseen obstacles will surface. In the past 15 years, no two Masses have ever been the same for us.

This page will discuss how to address those obstacles, while maintaining the proper direction of the ministry. But first, share your experience in music ministry with us. How has your direction been challenged in Catholic music ministry?

Religious vs. Musicians

There are times when musicians and religious do not see eye to eye. We can recount a handful of times when we arrived at a parish to provide music for a wedding, and the available parish staff were less than hospitable and even disrespectful at times. Thank goodness those times did not influence the Mass, and all went well for the special day. Thank goodness we have been fortunate to work with many more clergy members who are very supportive, respectful, and communicate well.

This category of blog posts will give some insight to musicians on how to best work with clergy of the Catholic Church. We will also provide information to clergy on ways that they can better communicate to musicians the requirements and suggestions for Catholic music ministry.

The most important aspect to keep in mind in relation to each other is that we are all in service to God. None of us are in this line of service for the riches on this Earth. We must respect one another’s role and be wise to only be of service to the Body of Christ, the people. We are here to help children of God encounter Christ. We all must be the hands and feet of Jesus, and do better every day to work joyfully together.

We will soon post the 5 Tips every priest wants Catholic musicians to know. Follow our blog to get these tips and other great information in relation to Catholic music ministry.